Nut with Washer

About this product

The Nut with Washer (#90182A0020) is a critical Toyota Autoparts component used in several systems including Body/Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay, Electrical/Electronic Fuel Injection System, and Body/Fuel Tank & Tube. This part secures components together, maintaining stability and ensuring optimal functioning of the respective system. If the Nut with Washer (#90182A0020) becomes worn or damaged, components could potentially loosen, leading to system malfunctions. Choosing genuine Toyota parts like the Nut with Washer (#90182A0020) supports vehicle compatibility and performance. Each genuine part is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing added assurance. With time and use, however, even a genuine Nut with Washer (#90182A0020) may need replacement as wear can lead to loosening or failure. This could impair system function and compromise vehicle safety. Therefore, replacing it periodically can prevent system failure and maintain efficiency and safety.