Brake Apply Tube

About this product

The Brake Apply Tube (#35666-30010), a critical Drive-Chassis part from Toyota Autoparts, plays a pivotal role in the Brake No.3, 1st & Reverse Brake (Atm) system. It is responsible for efficiently directing hydraulic fluid to activate the braking system during vehicle operation. Genuine Toyota parts like these assure compatibility with the vehicle, and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As with all mechanical components, the Brake Apply Tube (#35666-30010) requires periodic replacement. Over time, it can become clogged or damaged which may impair the brake system's performance. This could compromise vehicle safety, as effective braking is critical in avoiding accidents. Installing a new Brake Apply Tube (#35666-30010) maintains the brake system's efficiency, contributing to both safety and performance. Replacing this part as part of regular maintenance helps keep the vehicle in peak condition and ensures optimal brake system performance.